CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 16
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 16 (1997-10-16)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-11].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
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all copies.
/* gdevbmp.c */
/* .BMP file format output drivers */
#include "gdevprn.h"
#include "gdevpccm.h"
/* ------ The device descriptors ------ */
* Default X and Y resolution.
#define X_DPI 72
#define Y_DPI 72
private dev_proc_print_page(bmp_print_page);
/* Monochrome. */
gx_device_printer far_data gs_bmpmono_device =
prn_device(prn_std_procs, "bmpmono",
0,0,0,0, /* margins */
1, bmp_print_page);
/* 4-bit planar (EGA/VGA-style) color. */
private gx_device_procs bmp16_procs =
prn_color_procs(gdev_prn_open, gdev_prn_output_page, gdev_prn_close,
pc_4bit_map_rgb_color, pc_4bit_map_color_rgb);
gx_device_printer far_data gs_bmp16_device =
prn_device(bmp16_procs, "bmp16",
0,0,0,0, /* margins */
4, bmp_print_page);
/* 8-bit (SuperVGA-style) color. */
/* (Uses a fixed palette of 3,3,2 bits.) */
private gx_device_procs bmp256_procs =
prn_color_procs(gdev_prn_open, gdev_prn_output_page, gdev_prn_close,
pc_8bit_map_rgb_color, pc_8bit_map_color_rgb);
gx_device_printer far_data gs_bmp256_device =
prn_device(bmp256_procs, "bmp256",
0,0,0,0, /* margins */
8, bmp_print_page);
/* 24-bit color. */
private dev_proc_map_rgb_color(map_16m_rgb_color);
private dev_proc_map_color_rgb(map_16m_color_rgb);
private gx_device_procs bmp16m_procs =
prn_color_procs(gdev_prn_open, gdev_prn_output_page, gdev_prn_close,
map_16m_rgb_color, map_16m_color_rgb);
gx_device_printer far_data gs_bmp16m_device =
prn_device(bmp16m_procs, "bmp16m",
0,0,0,0, /* margins */
24, bmp_print_page);
/* ------ Private definitions ------ */
/* All multi-byte quantities are stored LSB-first! */
typedef ushort word;
#if arch_sizeof_int == 4
typedef uint dword;
# if arch_sizeof_long == 4
typedef ulong dword;
# endif
#if arch_is_big_endian
# define assign_word(a,v) a = ((v) >> 8) + ((v) << 8)
# define assign_dword(a,v)\
a = ((v) >> 24) + (((v) >> 8) & 0xff00L) +\
(((dword)(v) << 8) & 0xff0000L) + ((dword)(v) << 24)
# define assign_word(a,v) a = (v)
# define assign_dword(a,v) a = (v)
typedef struct bmp_file_header_s {
* This structure actually begins with two bytes
* containing the characters 'BM', but we must omit them,
* because some compilers would insert padding to force
* the size member to a 32- or 64-bit boundary.
/*byte typeB, typeM;*/ /* always 'BM' */
dword size; /* total size of file */
word reserved1;
word reserved2;
dword offBits; /* offset of bits from start of file */
} bmp_file_header;
#define sizeof_bmp_file_header (2 + sizeof(bmp_file_header))
typedef struct bmp_info_header_s {
dword size; /* size of info header in bytes */
dword width; /* width in pixels */
dword height; /* height in pixels */
word planes; /* # of planes, always 1 */
word bitCount; /* bits per pixel */
dword compression; /* compression scheme, always 0 */
dword sizeImage; /* size of bits */
dword xPelsPerMeter; /* X pixels per meter */
dword yPelsPerMeter; /* Y pixels per meter */
dword clrUsed; /* # of colors used */
dword clrImportant; /* # of important colors */
/* This is followed by (1 << bitCount) bmp_quad structures, */
/* unless bitCount == 24. */
} bmp_info_header;
typedef struct bmp_quad_s {
byte blue, green, red, reserved;
} bmp_quad;
/* Write out a page in BMP format. */
/* This routine is used for all formats. */
private int
bmp_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *file)
{ int raster = gdev_prn_raster(pdev);
/* BMP scan lines are padded to 32 bits. */
ulong bmp_raster = raster + (-raster & 3);
int height = pdev->height;
int depth = pdev->color_info.depth;
int quads = (depth <= 8 ? sizeof(bmp_quad) << depth : 0);
byte *row = (byte *)gs_malloc(bmp_raster, 1, "bmp file buffer");
int y;
int code = 0; /* return code */
if ( row == 0 ) /* can't allocate row buffer */
/* Write the file header. */
fputc('B', file);
fputc('M', file);
{ bmp_file_header fhdr;
sizeof_bmp_file_header +
sizeof(bmp_info_header) + quads +
bmp_raster * height);
assign_word(fhdr.reserved1, 0);
assign_word(fhdr.reserved2, 0);
sizeof_bmp_file_header +
sizeof(bmp_info_header) + quads);
if ( fwrite((const char *)&fhdr, 1, sizeof(fhdr), file) != sizeof(fhdr) )
{ code = gs_error_ioerror;
goto bmp_done;
/* Write the info header. */
{ bmp_info_header ihdr;
assign_dword(ihdr.size, sizeof(ihdr));
assign_dword(ihdr.width, pdev->width);
assign_dword(ihdr.height, height);
assign_word(ihdr.planes, 1);
assign_word(ihdr.bitCount, depth);
assign_dword(ihdr.compression, 0);
assign_dword(ihdr.sizeImage, bmp_raster * height);
/* Even though we could compute the resolution correctly, */
/* the convention seems to be to leave it unspecified. */
assign_dword(ihdr.xPelsPerMeter, 0);
/*(dword)(pdev->x_pixels_per_inch * (1000.0 / 30.48)));*/
assign_dword(ihdr.yPelsPerMeter, 0);
/*(dword)(pdev->y_pixels_per_inch * (1000.0 / 30.48)));*/
assign_dword(ihdr.clrUsed, 0);
assign_dword(ihdr.clrImportant, 0);
if ( fwrite((const char *)&ihdr, 1, sizeof(ihdr), file) != sizeof(ihdr) )
{ code = gs_error_ioerror;
goto bmp_done;
/* Write the palette. */
if ( depth <= 8 )
{ int i;
gx_color_value rgb[3];
bmp_quad q;
q.reserved = 0;
for ( i = 0; i != 1 << depth; i++ )
{ (*dev_proc(pdev, map_color_rgb))((gx_device *)pdev,
(gx_color_index)i, rgb);
q.red = gx_color_value_to_byte(rgb[0]);
q.green = gx_color_value_to_byte(rgb[1]);
q.blue = gx_color_value_to_byte(rgb[2]);
fwrite((const char *)&q, sizeof(q), 1, file);
/* Write the contents of the image. */
/* BMP files want the image in bottom-to-top order! */
for ( y = height - 1; y >= 0; y-- )
{ gdev_prn_copy_scan_lines(pdev, y, row, raster);
fwrite((const char *)row, bmp_raster, 1, file);
gs_free((char *)row, bmp_raster, 1, "bmp file buffer");
return code;
/* 24-bit color mappers (taken from gdevmem2.c). */
/* Note that Windows expects RGB values in the order B,G,R. */
/* Map a r-g-b color to a color index. */
private gx_color_index
map_16m_rgb_color(gx_device *dev, gx_color_value r, gx_color_value g,
gx_color_value b)
{ return gx_color_value_to_byte(r) +
((uint)gx_color_value_to_byte(g) << 8) +
((ulong)gx_color_value_to_byte(b) << 16);
/* Map a color index to a r-g-b color. */
private int
map_16m_color_rgb(gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color,
gx_color_value prgb[3])
{ prgb[2] = gx_color_value_from_byte(color >> 16);
prgb[1] = gx_color_value_from_byte((color >> 8) & 0xff);
prgb[0] = gx_color_value_from_byte(color & 0xff);
return 0;